Value add investing
Asset Portfolio
Nomad Capital has a proven track record of creating value at our commercial real estate properties through the ability to find potential projects with heavy value add opportunities that other teams would overlook. We are constantly looking to repeat this strategy to turn underperforming facilities into thriving businesses. Increasing operating income then leads to investor returns.
Nomad Capital currently manages over $75+ million in assets.
City Storage North

420 N 4th St.
Wilmington, NC
Wilmington, NC
Square Feet: 23,500
Unit Count: 331
City Storage South

1525 S Front St
Wilmington, NC
Square Feet: 18,000
Unit Count: 197
City Storage Greensboro

2700 Liberty Rd.
Greensboro, NC
Greensboro, NC
Square Feet: 74,000
Unit Count: 780
Kachina Mini Storage

171 S. Hwy 69
Dewey, AZ
Dewey, AZ
Square Feet: 82,500
Unit Count: 450
City Storage Reidsville

1623 Way St
Reidsville, NC
Reidsville, NC
Square Feet: 57,000
Unit Count: 489
City Storage Danville

3311 Riverside Dr
Danville, VA
Danville, VA
Square Feet: 69,000
Unit Count: 753
City Storage Holden

1535 Holden Beach Rd SW
Holden Beach, NC
Holden Beach, NC
Square Feet: 45,000
Unit Count: 280
City Storage Macon

1250 Eisenhower Pkwy
Macon, GA
Macon, GA
Square Feet: 46,000
Unit Count: 475
City Storage Burlington

110 N Broad St
Burlington, NC
Burlington, NC
Square Feet: 47,000
Unit Count: 450
City Storage Gastonia

809 E Franklin Blvd
Gastonia, NC
Gastonia, NC